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We identified 128 patients who underwent iliac vein stenting for acute or chronic DVT. Immediate post-operative treatment included 13 (10.1%) patients who received AP only, 34 (26.5%) received AC only, and 70 (54.7%) received AP+AC. 89 (69.5%) patients presented with acute DVT, and 39 (30.4%) patients had chronic DVT.
In our first model, we observed a significant difference when patients received AP+AC for DVT recurrence. There was not a significant difference between AP, AC and AP+AC for stent patency.
When we added the history of DVT/PE into the second model, along with other variables, we did not note any significant differences for either outcome, as the effect was absorbed (Table I). However, we noted that prior DVT had significant correlation within DVT recurrence.
Conclusions: Dual therapy with antiplatelets and anticoagulants may be correlated with improved outcomes for iliac vein stenting, namely for preventing DVT recurrence. Greater sample size and further characterization of medical history with hypercoagulable disorders may illuminate the correlation between medication regimen and outcomes more granularly.
Nishita R. Vootukuru, BS
Medical Student Researcher
Newark, New Jersey, United States